
袁庆,男,1991年生,四川资阳人,博士,特任教授,主要从事油气管网仿真与优化、油气管网数字孪生与智能化以及新能源开发利用方向的研究工作。主持和参与国家重点研发计划项目子课题2项、国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、横向科技项目7项,发表期刊论文25篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在Energy、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering、Physics of Fluids、Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics等权威期刊上发表SCI检索论文13篇,授权软件著作权2项。
[1] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,中低压掺氢燃气管道掺混与分层传质机理研究,2021-2024,主持。
[2] 横向科技项目,基于人工智能的复杂原油管网优化运行技术研究,2024-2025,主持。
[3] 横向科技项目,基于群体智能优化算法的原油管道运行优化研究,2021-2022,主持。
[4] 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,太阳能热化学反应单元性能调控理论与方法,2021-2026,参与。
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,二维单原子溶剂的能量转换及其小温升捕集CO2的反应传热传质机理,2023-2026,参与。
[6] 横向科技项目,复杂热输原油管道启停输流动性模拟技术研究,2024-2025,参与。
[7] 横向科技项目,兰成原油管道停输再启动安全性研究,2022-2023,参与。
[8] 横向科技项目,高精度数值仿真,2021-2022,参与。
[9] 横向科技项目,液体管道仿真软件国产化研究,2020-2024,参与。
[10] 横向科技项目,输油管道运行快速优化技术研究,2019-2023,参与。
[1] Qing Yuan, Yuyao Gao, Yiyang Luo, Yujie Chen, Bohong Wang, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu*. Study on the optimal operation scheme of a heated oil pipeline system under complex industrial conditions[J]. Energy, 2023, 272: 127139.
[2] Qing Yuan, Weixin Jiang, Mengyu Guo, Yujie Chen, Bo Yu*, Jinjia Wei. GPU-accelerated transient thermo-hydraulic simulation of weakly compressible restart flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a long-buried hot oil pipeline[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 227: 120299.
[3] Qing Yuan, Jingfa Li, Bo Chen, Bo Yu*, Jinjia Wei, Yajun Deng, Yujie Chen. Cross-dimensional isothermal model for the transient restart of weakly compressible laminar/turbulent flow of time-dependent non-Newtonian fluid in a long pipeline[J]. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2023, 319: 105077.
[4] Qing Yuan, Zhimin Chen, Xinran Wang, Bo Yu*, Jinjia Wei. Investigation and improvement of intelligent evolutionary algorithms for the energy cost optimization of an industry crude oil pipeline system[J]. Engineering Optimization, 2023, 55(5): 856-875.
[5] Qing Yuan, Yiyang Luo, Teng Shi, Yuyao Gao, Jinjia Wei, Bo Yu*, Yujie Chen. Investigation into the heat transfer models for the hot crude oil transportation in a long-buried pipeline[J]. Energy Science & Engineering, 2023, 11(6): 2169-2184.
[6] Qing Yuan, Jingfa Li, Hongfei Liu, Bo Yu*, Dongliang Sun, Yajun Deng. Parametric regression of a multiparameter thixotropic model for waxy crude oil based on multiobjective strategy[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 173: 287-297.
[7] Qing Yuan, Changchun Wu, Bo Yu*, Dongxu Han, Xinyu Zhang, Lei Cai, Dongliang Sun. Study on the thermal characteristics of crude oil batch pipelining with differential outlet temperature and inconstant flow rate[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 160: 519-530.
[8] Qing Yuan, Bo Yu*, Jingfa Li, Dongxu Han, Wenhua Zhang. Study on the restart algorithm for a buried hot oil pipeline based on wavelet collocation method[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 125: 891-907.
[9] Qing Yuan, Hongfei Liu, Jingfa Li, Bo Yu*, Changchun Wu. Study on the parametric regression of a multiparameter thixotropic model for waxy crude oil[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(4): 5020-5032.
[10] Weixin Jiang, Junfang Wang, Petar Sabev Varbanov, Qing Yuan*, Yujie Chen, Bohong Wang, Bo Yu*. Hybrid data-mechanism-driven model of the unsteady soil temperature field for long-buried crude oil pipelines with non-isothermal batch transportation[J]. Energy, 2024, 292: 130354.
[11] Weixin Jiang, Zongze Li, Qing Yuan*, Junhua Gong, Bo Yu. Robust pressure prediction of oil and gas pipeline networks based on equipment embedding neural network[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36: 043104.
[12] Weixin Jiang, Qing Yuan*, Yujie Chen, Bo Yu*, Dongxu Han. Intelligent dynamic prediction model of pump pressure lift for a petroleum pipeline system with nonisothermal batch transportation[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62(43): 18009-18022.
[13] Zhimin Chen, Qing Yuan*, Weixin Jiang, Zongze Li, Bo Yu. Thermo-hydraulic characteristics of non-isothermal batch transportation pipeline system with different inlet oil temperature[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2023, 32(3): 965-981.
[14] 陈炳男, 袁庆*, 陈宇杰, 邹玉. 原油管道输送过程中摩擦生热对原油输送的影响[J]. 北京石油化工学院学报, 2019, 27(3): 52-58.
[15] 袁庆, 杨洋, 侯昊, 蔡磊, 王鹏, 孙东亮, 宇波*. 含蜡原油双结构参数模型参数回归的稳定性[J]. 油气储运, 2018, 37(3): 269-275.
[16] 袁庆, 吴浩, 马华伟, 张秀玲, 宇波. 长距离大落差重油管道停输再启动研究[J]. 油气田地面工程, 2017, 36(11): 66-70.